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Celebrating School Leaders

14th Aug 2019

Celebrating School Leaders


Our school leaders do an amazing job, and in recent times their job has just got a whole lot more challenging. We know that leadership is second only to classroom practice in terms of the impact it has on learners outcomes so it’s incredibly important that they get the support they need to be as effective as possible. 

Last April the Fair Education Alliance brought together a group of people who are passionate about improving outcomes, especially for the most disadvantaged learners, as part of their virtual booster sessions to discuss solutions that can help. It was a great chance to share ideas and support each other. We all agreed that we want to shine a light on our brilliant teaching professionals and help raise the profile of this incredible profession as well as lifting spirits during these challenging times.

At Inspiration for All, our approach is to provide mentors from the world of business for school leaders, in our Inspiring Partnerships programme. A great mentor is like your strongest supporter – someone who really believes in you and will stand shoulder to shoulder with you as you make important decisions. They will help you develop your leadership skills through loving support that will give you the confidence to try out new approaches. And they’ll do all of that in the background, without judgment and in confidence, so you have a safe place to explore and grow.

We believe, and research suggests that, mentoring will have a big impact on leadership in schools. Each partnership we match will provide a great opportunity for personal and professional development for mentors and mentees, and we’ll also be celebrating the work of the amazing leaders we have in our schools.

If you, or anyone you know, would like to get involved, email me on

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