The Power of Mentoring
11th Dec 2020
Today is #nationalmentoringday
I'm a passionate advocate of the power of #mentoring. I've been lucky enough to have fantastic mentors in my life - not sure I knew that's what they were at the time but they are people who supported me, helped shape the way I approach things, and pushed me out of my comfort zone.
My first formal mentor was on the 30% Club programme where I also mentored others.
Fast forward and I run two mentoring programmes:
@InspirationforAll and the #InspiringPartnerships programme which matches #schoolleaders with business leaders in a programme where both grow - I'm actively recruiting both mentors and mentees for this #transformational programme for state schools that empowers school leaders to be the best, so get in touch if you want to find out more.
@BootstrapCharity and @sheleadschange mentoring programme matching social entrepreneurs with alumni from the She Leads Change programme - we've just launched our second cohort of fantastic women supporting women and I can't wait to see what wonderful change happens as a result.
I'm also the proud mentor of four people currently - all at different stages of life and with different challenges, and yet all connected by the desire to grow, learn and be the best they can be, whatever that means to them.
And I'm a trustee for the One Degree mentoring charity that provides mentoring for young people to help them aspire and reach their goals.
So I live and breathe mentoring because of its simple and effective power to change lives.
My key learnings about mentoring are that:
it is best when it is a meeting of equals - it's not about hierarchy or telling someone what to do,
it's about good listening and asking the right question at the right time,
it's about pushing someone out of their comfort zone, helping them overcome barriers to success by providing supportive challenge.
As I'm about to launch the next cohort of the #InspiringPartnerships programme, I'd love to get your feedback on what makes a good mentor and hear what a difference mentors have made in your life!